Q. Do I need a Rod Fishing License?

You must buy a rod fishing licence for England and Wales if you are fishing for trout. There are different rules for fishing in Northern Ireland and Scotland. Licences for children aged between 13 and 16 are free, however you need a junior licence.  Children under 13 do not need a licence. It costs from as little as £6.60 for a 1-day licence. 8-day and 12-month licences are also available. Licences are required even under tuition.

To buy a licence and read all the rules visit: https://www.gov.uk/fishing-licences/print

Q. What type of angling is trout fishing?

Fishing for trout is known as game fishing, and the most common technique used to catch freshwater trout is fly fishing. It uses an artificial “fly” tied onto a hook to trick the trout into thinking it is an insect to catch the fish. You can catch trout from the bank or wade into the water.

Q. What kit is needed for trout fishing?

Rod, reel, leader, line, hook, fly and net are the basic items you need for trout fishing. Many fisheries will hire this out on a deposit system or you can purchase on site. It is cheaper to buy compared to a coarse fishing kit. You must always wear sunglasses and a hat when fly fishing for safety reasons. It would be wise to take boots or wellies too.

Q. Where can I go trout fishing in the UK?

Here’s a list of places that offer fishing for trout. Please check with individual fisheries for details on cost, permits, prebooking, tuition, facilities etc. Many also offer group days out, special events and competitions.

Remember – not all bodies of water contain trout and some fishing spots are private and not open to the public so do your research first. See separate spreadsheet

Q. Who can go trout fishing?

Anyone! Trout fishing is ideal for all ages, genders, abilities – it’s a fully inclusive activity and not just a male preserve! It’s a hobby the whole family can get involved in. Young children must be supervised.You don’t need any previous experience. Check out what tuition opportunities there are – see list below.

Trout fishing is a wonderful wholesome opportunity to get out in the fresh air and away from devices and screens. You’ll learn a new skill and get in touch with the wonderful outdoors and all that our incredible ecosystem has to offer. See below for more regarding the health and wellness rewards. For schools, visit https://www.fishingforschools.co.uk/

Q. Which trout fisheries offer tuition with qualified instructors?

Instructors will tell you the do’s and don’ts and expected etiquette when you try fly fishing. All anglers are friendly and helpful and always glad to lend a helping hand and offer advice. There are many groups and clubs that are more than happy to welcome new members, whatever their age or experience.

Q. Can I take my trout catch home?

Yes, most fisheries encourage “Pond to Plate”, that’s eating where you catch or cook your catch at home. Some fisheries even have on site BBQ’s – you can’t cook fresher than that! There will be limits on the number of fish you can catch depending on the fishery. See our tasty trout recipe ideas.

Q. Is trout fishing seasonal in the UK?

You can fish for trout all year round in the British Isles in any weather. The beauty of going at different times of year is seeing the changing flora and fauna of the seasons around you.

Q. What are the health and wellness benefits of trout fishing?

Fishing has been proven to be beneficial therapy for both mental and physical health. The NHS is even prescribing it instead of medication to some people with anxiety, depression, loneliness and addiction. It helps them focus on the present and engage with the beautiful, peaceful countryside. Fishing with others can also help combat feelings of isolation and build confidence in all ages. For more information visit not-for-profit organisation Tackling Minds to see how their work has helped many on their road to recovery.

In addition to the fishing benefits, trout is also a highly nutritious fish to eat, packed with heart-healthy omega 3’s, vitamins A, B12 & D and essential antioxidants. Find out more here.

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