The British Trout Association was set up in 1983 and represents in the region of 80% of trout production in the UK. It has over 50 members made up of trout farmers, feed suppliers and a number of aquacultural academics. The Association is entirely funded by trout farmers and feed suppliers and receives no direct funding from the Government.
Aquaculture is an industry of growing importance in Scotland providing valuable jobs and income for the economy. The Scottish aquaculture industry is regulated with the help of the British Trout Association with a view to promoting food safety, compliance with legislation and sustainability.
The BTA plays a pivotal role in the continuing development of the industry on three fronts:
To ensure that the industry maintains a high profile in Europe, the BTA has a seat on the Federation of Aquaculture Producers and COPA/COGECA, which is the European grouping of farmer’s unions and co-operatives.
Get in Touch for More Details
The British Trout Association plays a key role within the UK trout industry. We work alongside businesses, famers and other associations in order to help develop and maintain the Trout Industry in Britain.
Here are a few links to industry websites that you might find useful:
The BTA Board is represented by all areas of the trout industry: Table trout, Restocking, Quality Trout UK and Health & Welfare and Research together with Food Manufacturers.
Information on annual trout production figures and species farmed in the UK are held on the Aquaculture Production Database that is held and maintained by CEFAS.. For information on production figures in Scotland please refer to the Scottish Government website.
View Industry StatisticsLooking for more information about the trout industry or the British Trout Association? We regularly issue press releases with up to date information about key events and news within the Trout industry. See our press releases and other associated BTA media.
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